Upon the first visit to the location, what is now Elovation Hyperbarics & Wellness, it was morning with the sun coming over the mountains highlighting the gorgeous view, in that moment Coryn had a vision of what she wanted to do, she designed everything at EHW. At the same time, she was doing a tremendous amount of research on modalities to offer and hyperbarics. They immediately started designing, and building EHW, tearing out and moving walls, and several family members joined in to help build.
A good majority of furniture, doors, and art in EHW are repurposed and reclaimed from what some, and Doug may think of as the junkpile. However, Coryn’s vision and spiritual purpose for each item would supersede all logic to Doug. One of his favorite memories is when they would drive to find ratty old furniture or doors and Coryn would have a vision of what she could do with a certain piece. To Doug the items looked like something you would want to put in a bonfire, and when Coryn would say “I need this door”, Doug was thinking, “have you lost your mind?” For example, what is now the front door and entrance to EHW, Coryn saw this old door with stained glass, (what Doug considered bonfire material) and she said “this is going to be the front door.” She convinced Doug with her vision, he reluctantly bought the door, and when he saw the finished door he was in amazement.
Doug just quit early on in the process asking any questions! He just started going along with Coryn’s visions and started building! Every detail was a vision Coryn had and everything had to tie together, from hinges to hardware, furniture, rooms etc.
In addition, Sandy, Utah offers a program twice a year for residents to take what they consider bulk trash from house or yard, to leave it on the curb, the city will haul it away for free. This quickly became one of Coryn’s favorite inspirations, salvaging items from the curb, usually loading with Doug’s help and filling his truck. However, there was a very special piece that was a “bonfire” headboard to be later converted to the front desk at EHW. Doug, after coming home from work couldn’t understand how she could fit the piece in her sports car! Well, when a woman is determined there is no stopping her!
Here is a list of the repaired, repurposed items from the Sandy trash days now at EHW; the mirror at front desk was cracked and broken, the fireplace in the center, the coffee table and end tables in the front, also most of the aspen tree branches that are through the building and art frames. Doug recalls driving up and down the streets on several occasions over and over, Coryn would see something and say “stop go back”, he would go back, there would be pile as big as his truck of tree limbs, she would see a specific one limb and say “I need that one”, he would say “which one?” She would pick the exact one she wanted! Sometimes it would be in the bottom of the pile and he would have to move the entire pile to get to the specific limb that she wanted. Coryn would later make art of the limbs, as there was a spiritual connection to them.
Another memory in Star Valley Wyoming, Coryn and Doug consider one of the most beautiful places on earth. While driving around in the fields taking in the sites, Coryn would see different sagebrush she wanted for EHW, today the sagebrush pieces are in the display cabinet when you first enter. She would pick a specific plant in the fields of Wyoming, because of what Sage can do for our bodies and healing.

Everything in Elovation Hyperbarics & Wellness was built with Passion and Purpose.
Coryn & Doug look back at all that has led them to create EHW, they give credit first to God and second, Doug gives credit to Coryn, “she is in tune enough to see the vision, I am just here with the skills to build it. On several occasions people and situations would show up being exactly what we needed at the time we needed it.”
Coryn has the Vision, Doug has the skill to build and make the Vision a Reality as God works through them, and all is meant to share. Elovation Hyperbarics & Wellness was built to bring healing options to others. Doug said “we are just the instrument in God’s hands to provide something that people need.” Coryn & Doug’s desire is to share the gifts God has given to them to help others have a happier, healthier life.